Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Grocery Haul and Some Meals

Hey everyone. I hope you are all well. Thank you so much for the kind words in last post. Acid reflux definitely sucks but I've come to find out that gastritis and inflammation in your esophagus is so much worse. So therefore my meals will be small and carefully chosen because I'm in pain and it is stressful every single time I eat because I don't know if what I eat is going to make me feel sick. I've done research to see what will be ok and I've found some conflicting information so I'm sure if what I've read is wrong I'll find out about it soon enough.

I tried to stick to a lot of fruits and veggies and fiber in general. Asparagus, spinach, crappy cantaloupe, three giant sweet potatoes, pears, avocado and broccoli.

Frozen strawberries and peaches, unsweetened almond milk (supposedly very good), black beans and corn.

Here is some oatmeal mixed with a half of a banana that I mashed and topped with the other half.

For dinner I had some steamed spinach, a few sweet potato wedges and some saltines. All bland but sat well so I can't complain.

So this is my life right now 😂 Oh and from my bloodwork it looks like I'm pretty anemic so I'll be discussing that at a different doctor's appointment on Thursday. 

Anyway, sorry to be a Debie Downer! I'll be ok, just need to take the time to heal. I hope that you are all doing well!


Jennifer said...

Nice haul and meals! Gotta LOVE that frozen corn from TJs! Sorry to hear about the anemic issues. My sister has been for most of her life. She's not veg but takes iron - has almost her whole life.

Bianca said...

Oh man, I am so sorry to hear that! Paul deals with horrific acid reflux that often keeps him up at night. He can't eat a long list of things and he eats Tums (and other heartburn meds) like candy all day. I hope you're able to get treatment to fix it. He hasn't really done enough and probably needs to be seen by a doctor again!

J said...

Your banana oatmeal looks good! Sending hugs, and I hope your doctor's appointment goes well!

Jennifer said...

Sorry to hear about the acid reflux. I had that when I was pregnant and it sucks. At least I knew it would end once there was a baby out of my body. I found tums worked well, but yeah, lots of conflicting info.

Sarah said...

Thanks! I was so exhausted yesterday I could barely function. I have no idea how I got through a whole work day to be honest. It's awful.

Sarah said...

Thanks! It's really painful. It's gotten to the point where you are afraid to eat because you don't want to be in pain or deal with the nausea. It's been pretty well controlled the last few days so hopefully it'll stay that way.

Sarah said...

Thanks so much, hugs back! The oatmeal was good, just missing that cinnamon! Hopefully I can add it back soon.

Sarah said...

Thanks, it's pretty awful. I've tried everything but it doesn't really ever seem to work well. I was prescribed a preventative medication and I've been feeling ok so hopefully I can start to heal it up.

Ingrid said...

I am so frustrated for you! I hope the doctor can narrow in on a cause and get you feeling better soon! Frankie's Mommy, my neighbor, can't do acidity at all so no bulbs, tomatoes, or pineapples but eliminating those things has helped her a lot.

Sarah said...

Thanks, I'm pretty frustrated too. Luckily I've been given a med that has helped tremendously. I had cut the acidic foods and it helped but I've been able to add them back in small amounts in conjunction with the medication I was given.

Hillary said...

I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. How frustrating. I hope all is a little better. Sending all the hugs.

Sarah said...

Thanks, I'm feeling a little better now. The medication I was given really does help a lot. Hugs back at ya!