Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Stuff We Ate This Weekend

Hey everyone! Long time no speak! I've been really busy with caring for the herd and also spending some quality time with my friend last weekend. We had a really fun weekend but as always, it went way too quickly. We made sure to savor every moment and most importantly we appreciated the time together as we do not get it often.

I do not have fur baby pictures yet (maybe a fun friday post?) but I did take a few pictures of meals I made for us last weekend that I thought I'd share today!

The first night she was here I made this Vegan Chick'n Caesar Pasta Salad! I don't know why I thought it would be fun to add pasta to a chick'n caesar salad but I did and it was indeed fun. Basically all I did was cook 1/3 box of pasta (this is Gemelli shaped, how fun are they?!), cut one romaine heart, cook a package of Gardein Teriyaki Chick'n Strips (save the teriyaki for a stir fry later, just cook the strips with no sauce) and mixed it all with Just Caesar dressing. It was so easy and delicious. I'm sure it would also be delicious with tomatoes too!

For breakfast I attempted to make french toast but that was an epic fail so we ended up with macerated strawberries and granola and some toast. My toast had Earth Balance.

We also went out for bubble tea. I had my favorite Peach Pulp tea and it was delicious of course. She was not a huge fan of it (she tried the almond one) and I totally get that. A lot of people find it to be a strange experience.

This dinner was SO GOOD. We each had a salad (romaine, cashews, cranberries, granny smith apple and Asian Vinaigrette) and I made up some cheesy rosemary toasts that we dipped in pizza sauce for a fun deconstructed pizza type of thing. We shared this plate. I had some left over but it just didn't reheat well so just make what you need if you are making this :)

Here is a closeup of the salad.

And this gorgeousness is the cheesy toast and pizza sauce.

So all in all it was a really fun weekend and we ate really well :) I miss her already but luckily I have all of the puppy cuddles I could ever ask for.

I hope that you are all well and I will see you on Friday!


J said...

Your "deconstructed pizza" sounds like such a fun idea; I'll have to try that sometime! :)

Bianca said...

Yay for friend time! Love the idea of pasta in a caesar salad and the deconstructed pizza toasts!! YUM!

Jennifer said...

Mmm... that salad looks yummy. I don't know why pasta hasn't been added to a caesar salad (or rather why isn't it a thing?)

Sarah said...

It was really fun, especially for sharing! A perfect accompaniment to the salad too.

Sarah said...

It was really nice to see her! The pasta salad was so delicious and the pizza toasts were pretty awesome as well :) Good food and even better company :)

Sarah said...

The salad was so delicious. I don't know either but it's totally a thing in my life now :D

Vegan In The VI said...

Is this friend vegan as well? If not, I admire her open-mindedness. Great looking Caesar Salad with the Pasta.

I am disappointed there were no fuzzy pics, I will keep my fingers crossed for Friday, or just email them.

Sarah said...

She is not vegan but my friends are typically pretty open minded about vegan food. She was looking forward to it actually!

I'm hoping to get some fur baby pics for tomorrow, If not for next week definitely!

Ingrid said...

You cooked up quite the deliciousness for your friend! I love reasons to cook for more than one, so I love to do the same thing. I haven't tried French toast, but I'm guessing the liquid vegan egg would be a safe bet. Both salads sound so good!

Hillary said...

I am drooling over both salads!!I love the idea of adding pasta to a salad. Brilliant!!

vegan.in.brighton said...

Yuuum! So much good food. Bubble tea is my fave', I love the fruity ones, and the pasta salad looks delicious.

Sarah said...

Yeah, the vegan egg definitely would have been a good option but I didn't have any. Maybe next time! The salads were delicious and it was definitely nice to be able to cook for someone else!

Sarah said...

Thank you so much! It was delicious!!

Sarah said...

Thank you!! Bubble tea is the best, I never stray from my Peach Pulp Green Tea. The pasta salad was amazing, thank you!