Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Stuff I Ate

Hey everyone! I hope that all is well. I feel a little better after the weekend and particularly after my therapy session for this week. It's still a struggle but I'm doing the best I can to get through it and every day is a new day. I don't have a ton of meals to share with you today but the ones I have are damn good. I finally made something I've been craving for a long time and it's so freaking delicious.

I mentioned that I have been craving fruit like crazy lately so I had some pineapple over the past few days and it was freaking delicious. It's not mango but it did satisfy the juicy fruit craving.

This is what I've been wanting to make for a long time now. It's a boring as picture but this is the glorious Hummus For Bagels from Veganomicon. This is my favorite hummus recipe because it is PERFECT as a spread for bagel. This is only a half recipe because one of my cans of chickpeas was just not right (even though the expiration date was12/2020) and I didn't want to chance it. This is probably for the best thought because I don't know if I'd get through a whole batch before it was past its prime. Anyway, I like to top my hummus bagels a little differently from most.

Here is my most glorious meal of the weekend. A toasted plain bagel with a thick spread of hummus topped with fresh basil and sun dried tomatoes. I know it seems like an unlikely combination but it is freaking delicious and I would eat it every day if I could.

I have also been wanting some comforting ramen and remembered that I had some of these gluten free ramen noodles in the house so I made a steamy bowl of ramen for dinner one night.

It was really delicious. I added a heaping cup of the green veggie foursome from Trader Joe's and it was perfect with the added veggies. 

So, that's what I have to share! I almost got some bubble tea yesterday as a treat since it's been a little warmer lately but I just didn't feel like trekking over there so maybe this weekend I'll treat myself. I hope that you all had a great weekend and I'll see you on Friday!


Panty Buns said...

It's wonderful that you are feeling better.
This vegan food all looks delicious! The pineapple chunks, hummus, sun dried tomatoes, fresh basil and green veggies are all looking and sounding especially scrumptious to me right now.

Jennifer said...

That bagel sounds amazing! And that ramen looks delicious.

Bianca said...

I LOVE that Lotus Foods ramen! And I must try that hummus. What makes it different from other hummus? I'll have to pull out my Vcon later and take a look!

The Student-turned-Doctor said...

I have definitely had hummus on a bagel, but like Bianca I want to know how this hummus is different.

Ramen is such lovely comfort food.

Sarah said...

Thank you! <3 The food was definitely all delicious. The meals that I did come up with were good so that is always a good thing :)

Sarah said...

Thank you!!

Sarah said...

The ramen was delicious and adding the veggies really helped make it even better! The hummus is thicker than standard hummus making it more substantial for sandwiches. It's very very delicious!

Sarah said...

The flavor is the same it's just thicker so it works even better on a sandwich. She plays with the ratio of liquid or wet ingredients (olive oil, lemon juice, tahini) to chickpeas and it is just so perfect for sandwiches.

The ramen was absolutely delicious. I think I need some more in my life for dinner tonight!

Susan said...

Your bagel combinations looks great! I must have made that hummus recipe, but I can't remember, so perhaps a revisit is in order. I do have some bagels in my freezer right now.
I am glad you are feeling a bit better. Therapy is great. <3

Unknown said...

I noticed fresh pineapples are somehow really cheap lately! I’m so tempted but I’m also sensitive to it so I couldn’t finish a whole one.
That bagel combo sounds great! I never would have thought to use sun dried tomatoes but i do love them-I’m guessing you use oil packed ones? I made that minimalist baker chickpea sunflower seed salad recently as a sandwich filling/salad topper, chickpeas are somehow so good for sandwiches!
Ramen and veggies sounds awesome right now.... (as i look out the window at the snow from today. Ugh)

Sarah said...

It is so good, I definitely recommend it. Ooh yes, definitely revisit and I highly recommend these toppings. It's so delicious.

Thank you <3 Therapy is game changing and life saving. I will always sing its praises.

Sarah said...

Oh no, I always feel so sad for people with pineapple sensitivity. I was so upset when I found out I couldn't eat oranges anymore (I'm allergic to the peel because of the chemical allergy I have - so weird! - but I won't touch them at all because of a fear of a reaction) and it is so sad, I would be so upset if I couldn't have pineapple either.

I actually didn't use oil packed ones! I used dry packed ones that I get from H-Mart. I got a big container of them from H-Mart for $1.80 and they are awesome and soft - no need to soak at all. Chickpeas are awesome for sandwiches, that chickpea sunflower seed salad sounds awesome!

Ugh yesterday was just gross but I'm grateful we didn't get a lot of accumulation at all. We've really lucked out this year *knocking all the wood around me, ha!*

J said...

Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better! Your bagel looks so good, and the ramen sounds so perfect & comforting!

Unknown said...

Never would have thought to get sun dried tomatoes at H mart! I’ll look next time i go.

This is the chickpea salad- it’s fantastic and takes maybe five min, i leave out the maple syrup and often use dry dill or whatever fresh herb is around.

Sarah said...

I have been getting them at H-Mart for years now! They have the best price for really great sun dried tomatoes!

Thank you so much for the link! I can't wait to try it!

Sarah said...

Thank you <3 The bagel is my favorite meal right now and the ramen was delicious.