Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Haul, Meal Prep and A Few Meals

Hey everyone! I hope you are all well. I just wanted to start off this post by saying thank you so much for your supportive and kind comments that you left on my last post where I spoke a little more candidly about my mental illness. As I mentioned, I always felt the need to separate the mental illness discussion from the vegan food but I know that I don't have to do that any more. I really appreciate this community that we have here and your interest in me and my story beyond the food that I share here. I can't describe how much that means to me 💜

I'm still feeling blah, particularly because last week was very difficult for me physically. Every day I have a headache and every day I'm in pain. The pain over the last week has been particularly intense and I've never really experienced anything like it before.

Due to this I don't have a ton to share with you but I did take pictures where I could. I have a small Trader Joe's haul, some basic food prep and a few meals I ate.

So here is the small Trader Joe's haul. For some reason I was craving those delicious Cornbread Crisps, asparagus, basil, Opal Apples, potatoes, pears, soft pretzels, veggie spring rolls and some carrots.

I made another half batch of Isa's Hummus for Bagels (if you are looking for the recipe it is on the second page of the Hummus recipe in Veganomicon in a little box).

I roasted up some potatoes to heat up during the week. These potatoes nearly caused a meltdown. I was trying to cut them and I just couldn't do it. My arm muscles were in so much pain and I couldn't grip the knife correctly and it was incredibly upsetting that a task as simple as sitting and cutting a few potatoes was so difficult and painful. I struggled through it and now I have these beautiful roasted potatoes to eat but it was pretty upsetting.

I had my second giant honeycrisp apple with my favorite blueberry grape kombucha. I need to try and stockpile of the kombucha because I need more probiotics in my life.

Finally, I made another one of my favorite bagel sandwiches with the hummus and tons of fresh basil and some sun dried tomatoes. It was a perfect meal and very low maintenance and minimal effort. Also as a side note, I rarely like my bagels toasted if they are fresh (which this was) but toasting is essential for this sandwich 😉

So that is what I have for you today. I'll be back on Friday. I'm playing around with a few ideas of what to post so I guess we'll see what I come up with. 

I hope you all have a great week and I'll see you back here on Friday!


Hillary said...

Opal apples are my favorite! I want to try those big soft pretzels so bad. I love them with mustard! Damn gluten!!
I still have gluten free bagels in my freezer from the last big woohoo sale, I think I need to try that bagel sandwich!!
I'm sorry it was so hard to make the potatoes, but they sure are gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

You need a sous-chef! Just kidding and sorry to make light of an upsetting situation. I'm glad you were able to persevere and have those delicious potatoes as a reward- roasted potatoes are the best. And what are these TJs big soft pretzels??? I must get some ASAP!!!

Sarah said...

I tried my first Opal apple and it was really good! The pretzels are good but honestly not the best soft pretzels I've tried so don't feel too bad!

Yes!!! Try the sandwich, it's amazing. The potatoes were great and I guess worth the effort, ha!

Sarah said...

OMG I would LOVE a sous chef!! Lol you are fine, I'm actually really into the idea of a sous chef ;) The potatoes are delicious and it is less work for me to do after work so bonus! The TJs soft pretzels are ok. Honestly not the best that I've had but definitely nice to have on hand when I am craving a bready/carby snack.

Unknown said...

I love you food hauls and meal photos :) those cornbread crisps are SO GOOD! I like them to scoop up the canned veg chili.
That sucks that cutting the potatoes was a painful process :/ have you tried the “teeny tiny potatoes”? Those are great cuz no chopping needed, just flop on the tray and roast whole.
I totally bought asparagus at TJs this week too! It was super crazy thin and tasted like spring :))
I agree on no toasting fresh bagels policy, yet also understand what you mean- some sandwiches need that sturdy texture.
Hope this week is easier for you than last week

The Student-turned-Doctor said...

I love those cornbread crisps so much! They're amazing.

I'm so sorry about the potatoes. Do you like baked potatoes? They require very little of you other than time. But maybe this will be an anomalous week for you and things will get better. I hope so.

Susan said...

When I saw the photo of the potatoes, I thought 'oh yes, they will make things better', but then your story behind them... not so much. I have a lot of shoulder pain, and sometimes find that cutting can be painful. I now almost always buy pre-diced butternut or kabocha from the supermarket, and I grate my carrots in my food processor most times because the repetitive motion on the box grater can hurt. It is sucky when you realise how much your body can limit in doing even basic things. <3 <3 I am glad that the potatoes were delicious. And the rest of the food looks yummy. I wish we had Trader Joe's here!

Sarah said...

Aww thank you! :) I am obsessed with the cornbread crisps, they are so good but dangerous to have around because they disappear so quickly!

That is such a great idea, I'm totally going to get the teeny tiny potatoes next time I get potatoes. I love them but haven't had them in so long. Thanks for the tip!\

Yes, I love the super thin asparagus! It's so good.

Yeah, toasting a fresh bagel is pretty much your quickest way to ruin it. For some reason this particular sandwich requires it though!

Thank you <3

Sarah said...

OMG I know, they are so good!

Baked potatoes aren't typically my favorite way to eat them but it's definitely a good option for low energy and high pain days. I hope it won't be a problem in the future but I definitely have other options in case it proves to be difficult.

Thank you!

Sarah said...

Haha I know! I was like ooooh comforting potatoes! It was ok, they came out great and were worth the effort. I have alternative options for the future though. I'm sorry that you deal with shoulder pain, it definitely sucks when you have plans but your body vetoes them.

I wish you had a Trader Joe's too! I could totally send over some of my non perishable favs if you want!

Jennifer said...

Do you remember those slice and dice machines from infomercials? I wonder if you could still find them? I've been learning more and more and apparently a lot of infomercial products are actually made for people who who has limited motion or some sort. Now all these silly products make so much sense! Reading your potato problem was like "Oh! That's what that dicer is for!"

Sarah said...

Oh man I'm going to have to look. I'm sure that would be so helpful and you're right, all of these "silly" products are actually so useful! I'm sure getting smaller potatoes would help as well in case I can't find something like that.

J said...

Looks like a good haul, and yay for more hummus! That really sucks that the potatoes were so difficult to cut, but I'm glad the end result was worth it! <3

Sarah said...

Julie: The result was definitely worth it! Thanks!